What epitope does orticumab bind on oxLDL?
Orticumab recognizes and binds a specific epitope of oxLDL, [...]
Orticumab featured in Cardiovascular Business post on AI and inflammation. Read the Article.
Orticumab recognizes and binds a specific epitope of oxLDL, [...]
Orticumab is a first-in-class fully-human IgG1 type antibody directed [...]
Schiopu et al, 2007, Journal of the American College [...]
Strom et al, 2007, Atherosclerosis Journal, Volume 190, ISSUE [...]
Goncalves et al, 2009, Atherosclerosis Journal, Volume 205, ISSUE [...]
Li, S. et al, 2013, Molecular Metabolism, Volume 2, [...]
You can reduce your risk of coronary artery disease by [...]
Treatment for coronary artery disease may include lifestyle changes such [...]
Diagnosis of coronary artery disease typically involves a combination of [...]
The symptoms of coronary artery disease can vary depending on [...]